This film tells the journey of Nico who looks for his aunt and also looks for his lost bag at the airport. At the beginning of this film, Nico is someone who comes from Spain and he just arrived at the airport, then Nico met Emma and Lisa. However, because Nico was careless, the bag he was carrying was lost and carried away by another person who used a taxi. After that, Nico was confused because all his stuff he had were in the bag that was lost by someone else. 

Lisa and Emma see Nico confused and finally Lisa feels sorry and helps Nico to find his lost bag. Apart from being assisted by Lisa, Nico is also assisted by Lisa's father because Lisa's father is a police officer and Nico is also assisted by several of Lisa's friends, such as Max, Tariq, Salma, Nina and many more. The conflict in this film is that Nico lost his bag and all his belongings, including his passport and his aunt's home address, also disappeared because it was in the bag. At the end of the film, finally Nico's bag is found by Salma, and also Nico is able to meet his aunt named Yara, helped by Max and Tariq.

In my opinion, the shortcomings of this film are quite a long duration and there are several scenes that I think are less interesting and difficult to understand, and the subtitles are quite messy. So even though we use subtitles we still need to focus on what the characters say in the film. And also in my opinion there are some things that don't make sense, for example Nico doesn't understand a word that is fairly easy but he can understand a question sentence that is said quickly and he can also answer the sentence.

While the advantages of this film are that this film helps to understand the pronunciation of a word or sentence in German. And also a lot of informing about the name of the food, the name of the day and month, the name of clothes, timepieces, road signs, names of activities, names of prices and much more. So, this film is quite helpful for me in pronouncing and understanding German words and sentences.



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